Schraw , 2001

Epistemological theoretical framework used in my dissertation kinda evaluates or even judge faculty members. I feel it will be difficult to investigate on this aspect, and it will be embarrassing to ask faculty members questions like that.
Anyhow, it is really embarrassing to use faculty members as the participants in my study…
Unless, I use them as clients and to ask to evaluate certain CMSs.
So, what is the theoretical framework behind this?????

“A fourth area of future research is to investigate the stability of beliefs across a variety of demographic variables such as age, gender, culture, and academic domain… Jehng et al. (1993) also reported that epistemological beliefs differed across academic domains. Those in the hard sciences, such as physics and engineering, reported more sophisticated beliefs than those in education and the humanities.”

“School shape and change beliefs, both as purveyors of knowledge and as epistemological training grounds for developing students. The existing research invites the conclusion that schools should make the effort to change beliefs in positive ways, although it is less clear how those changes should occur”.

Possible research question: which dimension of epistomological belief influence faculty members’ decision of assessment practice?

“There is widespread agreement among researchers that epistemological beliefs develop over time, particularly as a function of college and graduate education”.

“Third, for better or worse, teachers model their beliefs for students. It makes sense to help teachers become more aware of their own beliefs, how they model those beliefs, and how their beliefs affect students’ own beliefs and learning”.

“These include helping teachers to understand their own beliefs, understanding factors that impact students’ beliefs, promoting a critical thinking pedagogy, and introducing conceptual change into the classroom.”
Possible research question:
To what extent are faculty members aware of their own epistemological beliefs?
To what extent are faculty members aware of the way to model their own beliefs and how their beliefs affect students’ own beliefs and learning?
To what extent do faculty members understand factors that impact students’ beliefs? (To what extent do faculty members agree that their assessment practice influence their student’s epistemological beliefs?)

P. 463
“Indeed, social activities may be ideally suited to develop what Tishman et al. refer to as a “thinking dispositions” that promote deeper learning and critical reasoning”.

“Reading the second questions, we must focus more attention on developing a guiding model of epistemological beliefs and to use this model to change educaitonal practice”.

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